FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
Date of the Expo
January 2nd, 2025 - 12:30 pm - 5:00 pm EST
January 3rd, 2025 - 8:30 am - 6:00 pm EST
January 4th, 2025 - 8:30 am - 6:00 pm EST
937 Phillips Ln, Louisville, KY 40209
Are tickets still available? How much do they cost?
Go here to purchase tickets:
3 Day Ticket Prices (Includes Speaker Videos):
"Early Bird" 3 Day ticket - May 4th - July 31st - $175
3 Day ticket -----------------------Aug. 1st - Nov. 30 - $185
Late 3 Day ticket ------------ Dec. 1st - Dec. 24th - $200
At the door 3 Day ticket ---- Jan. 2nd - Jan 4th - $230
(Door tickets do NOT Include Speaker Videos)
No one-day tickets will be sold at the door
One-Day Ticket Prices (Does NOT Include Speaker Videos):
One day ticket ------------------ May 4th - Nov. 30 - $145
Late one day ticket --------- Dec. 1st - Dec. 24th - $160
No one-day tickets will be sold at the door
Are one-day tickets available?
Yes! (Please see prices and more information above.)
What is the minimum age to attend? Can I bring my kids?
Children are not allowed at the Bee Expo. Due to the nature of this event, it is unsuitable for children under 10 years of age. Adult ticket prices apply for all attendees ages 10 and up.
Can a family member visit or walk around?
Unfortunately, no. Our insurance and venue license doesn’t allow us to have unticketed people in the conference center.
Are meals included in the ticket price this year?
No. There will be numerous food options available at the expo center for you to purchase.
How much is parking at the Kentucky Expo Center?
Parking at the Kentucky Expo Center is $12 per vehicle for a single entry and $15 for multi-entry. This cost is per day. Shuttle options are available from most hotels in the area; check with your hotel for more details!
Do the conference recordings come with each purchase?
Yes! The professionally recorded sessions will start being sent to attendees by the end of February.
(Please note, The code for free access to the recordings are one per order, not one per ticket.)
The free access to the speaker sessions must not be shared outside your household.
I can’t attend any longer. Can I get a refund?
Yes! You can get a refund until December 20, 2024. Refunds will be subject to a 16-dollar-per-ticket processing fee. After Dec. 20th, tickets are non refundable. If you need a refund before Dec. 20th, please email us at: honeybeeexpo@gmail.com
Will there be pollen patties available at the conference?
Yes! Click here to order.
Where do we stay?
Hotel deals can be found on the Hotels and Travel page!
Who is speaking?
Our current list of speakers can be found in the top navigation. We will confirm several more speakers in the coming months!
What is the schedule?
The full schedule is to be announced soon!
When is registration at the conference?
Registration at the conference will be from 1:00 PM until 5:00 PM on January 2nd. Registration will reopen at 8:30 AM on January 3rd/4th
How do I get into the conference area?
During registration, you will receive a name badge and lanyard. While in the conference area, we ask that you wear your lanyard and name badge, as it helps with networking and helps us identify other conference attendees.
Can I buy products on Thursday?
You can buy products on Thursday the 4th over the 5-hour window!
Who are the vendors?
A complete list of vendors is coming soon!
Is food provided?
Multiple food options will be available for purchase. Throughout the venue, there will also be several water fountains and bottle-filling stations.
Can I bring in my own drinks, food or snacks?
The venue will not allow us or attendees to bring outside food or drinks into the venue.
Can I sell items I make or let people pick up orders if I’m not a registered vendor?
We ask anyone who isn’t registered as a vendor not to bring products into the venue space to sell or to distribute.
Can I bring honey to share or trade?
Yes. We ask participants to bring their honey in 2 oz or 8oz plastic jars for sharing.
Can vendors enter the honey show?
Yes, they can.
What is the nearest airport?
Louisville Muhammad Ali International Airport (SDF)
What is the minimum age to attend?
10 years old
Can a family member visit or walk around?
Unfortunately, no. Our insurance and venue license doesn’t allow us to have unticketed people in the conference center.
Do you have tickets available for just the trade show?
No, we do not. The ticket for the conference is for both speakers and the trade show.
Can I bring my pet with me to the Expo Center?
“Except for service animals, animals are not permitted inside the facility. KEC uses the definition provided by the ADA, a dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for a person with a disability. Service animals must be harnessed, leashed or tethered unless these devices interfere with the service animal’s work or the individual’s disability prevents using these devices. In this case, the individual must maintain control of the animal through voice, signal, or other adequate controls.” - KEC Rules & Regulations
Why Did Kamon Leave “Hive Life”?
Beginning in early 2023, Kamon Reynolds, Dustin Wiggins, Tn’s Bees, LLC, Appalachian Hivery, LLC, Hive Life, Inc. and other associated persons and entities became involved in multiple lawsuits between themselves and their various businesses.
All of the issues in these lawsuits have been resolved by agreement between the parties without any party admitting any liability or fault.
As a result of the settlement, Kamon and Laurel Reynolds will continue to operate K&L Bees and the North American Honeybee Expo, and TN’s Bees, of which Mr. Reynolds is now the 100% owner.
Dustin Wiggins will continue to operate Appalachian Hivery, LLC, of which he is now the 100% owner.
Hive Life will remain in operation but no longer has any association with Kamon or Laurel Reynolds or any of their businesses.