2025 North American Honey
& Beeswax Championship
Rooms: E - 3&4
Honey Show Details
CHAIRPERSON: Brutz English, brutzenglish@gmail.com, (770) 843-2110
ARRIVAL TIME: Thursday, January 2nd, 2025, from 11:30 AM until 5:00 PM; and Friday, January 3th, 2025, from 8:30 AM until 11:00 AM.
LOCATION: Kentucky Expo Center, Louisville, KY.
JUDGING: Friday, January 3rd, 2025, from 11:00 AM until completed.
RELEASE TIME: All entries will remain in the show area for public viewing after the judging. All entries will remain on display until 2:00 PM on January 4th, after which exhibitors may pick up their entries.
JUDGES: American Honey Show Training Council certified honey judges.
SECRETARY: To Be Determined
Honey Show Judges
The honey show is open to any attendee of the 2025 North American Honey Bee Expo who wishes to enter one or more exhibits, except as otherwise specifically provided for herein. The honey show is NOT open to individuals serving as judges, stewards, or show secretaries, nor to individuals who are immediate family members of those individuals serving as judges, stewards, or show secretaries. “Immediate Family Member” is defined as individuals who are spouses, siblings, parents, children, grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, first cousins, parents of common children, step-parents, step-children, or any individuals residing in the same residence.
II. Turn-in / Submission Period(s) & Deadline
Entries must be received Thursday, January 2nd, 2025, from 1:00 PM until 5:00 PM; and Friday, January 3th, 2025, from 8:30 AM until 11:00 AM. No entries will be accepted after this deadline.
III. Exhibitor Declarations & Affirmations
Each Exhibitor must sign an affidavit stating that each exhibit he or she submits was produced by the Exhibitor in conformity with the rules set forth herein.
Each Exhibitor must affirm the inclusion of any image, likeness, or work of any individual other than the Exhibitor, portrayed in or made part of any exhibit, was done so with the prior, informed consent of said individual, and that each exhibit is submitted with the full consent of all parties.
Unless specifically otherwise provided for under an individual category’s rules, ALL honey, beeswax, propolis, pollen, or royal jelly exhibited, or made part of any exhibit, must be produced by the exhibitor from honeybees owned and kept by the Exhibitor. Any exhibit previously submitted for consideration in any prior honey show sponsored by the North American Honey Bee Expo, with the exception of mead, is not eligible for this competition.
All beeswax items, unless otherwise specifically allowed herein, must be prepared from pure, unadulterated beeswax, free from any additives or enhancements. The use of synthetic, artificial, or adulterated beeswax or drawn honeycomb is strictly prohibited. Exhibits found to be containing any of the above will be disqualified.
IV. Double Entries Prohibited
Each Exhibitor may make only one exhibit per category. More than one individual from a family or household may submit exhibits across different categories; however, family members and individuals from common households may not submit multiple exhibits in the same category.
With the exception of Extracted Honey, in instances where the exhibit may qualify for consideration in multiple categories, the Exhibitor shall have the right to choose which to enter their exhibit; the Exhibitor's selection will not be overturned by the Judge(s); and, said exhibit will be judged based on the criteria set forth in the category selected by the Exhibitor. The Judge shall have discretion to make the final determination as to proper color designation in regard to all exhibits of Extracted Honey.
Double Entries are strictly prohibited. A “Double Entry” is when an exhibitor has more than one exhibit placed in a single exhibition category. As used in this rule, the term “Double” is not limited to two, but also encompasses any number greater than one. The Show Secretary shall not knowingly accept any subsequent exhibit which would create a Double Entry. Whenever a Double Entry is created by the decision of a judge in reclassifying an exhibit pursuant to the rules herein, the following procedure shall apply: Prior to the judging of any other exhibits in the affected category, the exhibits constituting the double entry shall be identified and examined by the head Judge; the head Judge shall make a determination as to which of the exhibits constituting the Double Entry is the best under the criteria listed for the affected category; the best exhibit of those comprising the Double Entry will be returned to the show bench, and the other(s) will be disqualified. Whenever a Double Entry results in the disqualification of one or more exhibits, and after the results are publicly announced or posted, it shall be the responsibility of the head judge to personally inform the affected exhibitor of the determination of the Double Entry and subsequent disqualification of the exhibit(s).
V. Security
Exhibits must be unmarked or identifiable in any way, except as specifically provided herein.
The Show Secretary will provide each exhibitor identifying labels to be affixed to each exhibit as provided in the rules for each exhibition category. The Exhibitor shall be responsible for placing the ID labels on each exhibit as directed for each exhibition category, unless otherwise specified herein.
Once exhibits have been accepted into the competition by the Show Secretary, they may not be altered in any way.
After submitting entries to the Show Secretary, exhibitors may not enter the area where the exhibits have been placed. The Secretary, Stewards or Judges are the only persons who may enter the honey judging area.
Judges will only enter the honey show area after the close of exhibitor entry acceptance. This is to ensure as close to a blind judging as possible.
VI. Food Safety
All food & beverage exhibits must be prepared under sanitary conditions and follow food safety guidelines. All food & beverage exhibits must be sealed and shelf-stable, or otherwise prepared and packaged in such a way to be able to withstand spoilage. Any entry that appears to be unsafe or unpalatable will not be judged and will be disqualified.
Any food or beverage item made with any dairy (or other perishable) ingredient(s) or components, or any exhibit that calls for or requires refrigeration for proper storage or holding, should be transported to the honey show, and presented to the Honey Show Secretary in a cooler, insulated/temperature-stable bag, or some other temperature-controlled container. The Exhibitor MUST notify the Show Secretary of the necessity of refrigeration or cold storage for any item at the time of submission of the exhibit. Any exhibit, or component of an exhibit, that the Judge(s) deem unfit or unsafe due to a temperature-related storage or transport issue will not be judged and may be subject to disqualification.
VII. Miscellaneous
All exhibits submitted in categories containing the designation “Extracted Honey” are to be presented in one-pound, glass (no plastic), “Queen-line” or “Classic” style jars; any exhibits submitted in any other style of jar or container will not be accepted by the show secretary.
In regard to the requirement of uniformity, items within or comprising any single exhibit should be alike and matching in every way: jars, containers, closures, contents, composition, orientation, placement, presentation, etc., should be identical across all individual items comprising any single exhibit.
For all exhibits which require, or give the Exhibitor the option of using, any display case, dish, base, frame, stand, or any other exhibition aide, the same should be presented in the same clean, neat, and uniform manner so as to compliment and add merit to the accompanying exhibit.
All weight requirements refer to the net contents of the exhibit. For instance, a 16-ounce jar of honey should contain 16 ounces of honey. This does not include the weight of the container, the lid, the label, or any other packaging.
For all exhibits which call for the submission of a white descriptive card with the exhibit, any size card or sheet of paper from 3”x5” to 8.5”x11” will be accepted. Additionally, the Exhibitor may submit multiple cards for any exhibit as the Exhibitor sees fit. Should the Exhibitor wish to submit multiple cards, they should be secured together by staple or paper clips.
Allowances will be made for minor damage to cappings in entries in the comb honey categories, where such minor damage is clearly the result of previous judging in another show.
For all mead, beer, and other honey beverage categories, any Exhibitor may, at their discretion, submit a second bottle for chilled tasting. If the Exhibitor chooses to submit a second bottle for chilled tasting, the Exhibitor must submit two identical specimens, both suitable for judging. After the exhibit is submitted, the show secretary will randomly select one of two bottles to be placed in a cooler or refrigerated container. The show secretary will place the other bottle on the judge's bench. Both bottles submitted will be evaluated for the same criteria as a single bottle exhibit. *If the Exhibitor submits a second bottle for chilled tasting, they must note such on the descriptive card submitted with the exhibit.
Copyright of any submitted recipe, artwork, literary work, or other media remains with the exhibitor, but the host organization has the unrestricted right to publish images of submitted recipes, artwork, literary work, or other media in its newsletter, on its website, and via its social media outlets, plus unrestricted rights to use the same in any related material for PR purposes.
Where the submission of a “recipe” is required, that term includes the complete list of ingredients, quantities thereof, and the procedure used to combine and prepare the exhibit.
The Presiding Judge may, based on the number of exhibits submitted, combine one or more categories into a single category, or divide a single category into one or more subcategories.
Return/Disposition of Exhibits-
(a) Exhibitors who wish to retrieve their exhibits at the conclusion of the honey show must make arrangements to pick their exhibits up at the specified release time on ... {TBA} ... If an exhibitor wishes to have their exhibit(s) released to a third party or proxy, they must indicate so in writing at the time the exhibits are submitted.
(b) Exhibits and other items not retrieved by the deadline posted for pick-up, shall be deemed abandoned, and shall be donated to the Honey Show Committee for future use or disposal. Neither the North American Honey Bee Expo, the American Honey Show Training Council, nor the Honey Show Committee, will be responsible for any items left after the pick-up deadline.
The honey show committee reserves the right to reject any exhibit submitted if it is objectionable in any way. For these purposes, the definition of “objectionable” includes, but is not Limited to: representations of nudity, graphic violence, profanity, obscenity, or any depictions of a sexually explicit nature. Decisions of the Presiding Judge on this issue will be final.
The use of AI to create or enhance an entry in any category is prohibited. An example of entries not allowed, but not limited to are ... AI generated poetry, AI generated photographs, AI electronic media, AI artwork and 3D printing. It is our intent to showcase beekeepers’ talents, creativity, and originality in the culture of beekeeping.
Prizes and Awards
It is the intention that ribbons will be given in all categories even if there is only one entry in the category. Entry into a category does not guarantee an award. In order to receive an award that entry must be worthy of placement. A Judge may, in his or her sole discretion, make or withhold the award of any given prize(s) or placement(s) in any category over which said Judge officiates. The decisions of the Judges are final. Exhibitors found willfully cheating, or purposefully altering or disfiguring an entry for the purpose of influencing the validity of judging will be disqualified from the contest, as well as from any future honey shows sponsored by either the North American Honey Bee Expo or the American Honey Show Training Council for a period of not less than three (3) years.
Ribbons, Prize Cards & Sweepstakes
Prize points will be awarded to the Best in Show winner and all First through Sixth place winners in all categories as follows: First Place = 6 points; Second Place = 5 points; Third Place = 4 points; Very Highly Commendable= 3 points; Highly Commendable = 2 points; and Commendable = 1 point. The points awarded will be used to calculate the winner in the Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion award as provided herein. The Grand Champion prize will be awarded to the exhibitor who earns the highest number of prize points across all categories. The Reserve Grand Champion prize will be awarded to the exhibitor who earns the second highest number of prize points across all categories.
Ribbons will be awarded to:
- Best in Show winner
- Grand Champion winner and Reserve Grand Champion winner
- Each Major Division winner
- First through Sixth place winners in each category
- In the Black Jar category, ribbons will be awarded to First through Seventh places over all;
Additionally, among Black Jar entrants from the United States, First through Third places will be awarded.
Prize cards for participants in the AHSTC Honey Judging Program will be provided electronically (via email) upon request.
After the announcement of awards, any exhibitor may meet with the category judge to discuss their entry and ask questions. An Exhibitor may appeal the Bench Judge’s ruling concerning their own exhibit in instances where the Exhibitor believes the Bench Judge misinterpreted or misapplied a rule in regard to the judging of their exhibit. The Exhibitor must first present their protest to the Bench Judge who judged their exhibit, and calmly and clearly state the basis for their protest. The Bench Judge should hear the Exhibitor out, and then typically should explain to the Exhibitor the basis for their initial decision and discuss the Exhibitor's concerns with them. The Bench Judge, together with the Exhibitor, will then bring the protest to the Presiding Judge. After hearing both sides and examining the rules and the exhibit at issue, if the Bench Judge concedes an error, or if the Presiding Judge decides in favor of the Exhibitor, the Presiding judge may amend the decision, award(s), and/or official record in such a manner as to affect the most just result available. If, after hearing both sides and examining the rules and the exhibit at issue, the Presiding Judge decides the Bench Judge’s original decision was correct, the Presiding Judge may uphold the Bench Judge's original decision. The decision of the Presiding Judge is final.
The following categories will be accepted & judged at the Honey Show
Light Extracted Honey
Amber Extracted Honey
Dark Extracted Honey
Novice Extracted Honey
Varietal Extracted Honey
Infused Honey (non-spicy)
Infused Honey (hot)
Creamed Honey (natural)
Creamed Honey (flavored)
Naturally Granulated (firm set)
Chunk Comb Honey
Cut Comb Honey
Section Comb Honey
Full Frame Comb Honey
Top Bar Frame Comb Honey
Freeform Comb Honey
Novice Comb honey
Black Jar
Beeswax Block (standard)
Beeswax Block (large)
Six Identical Pieces of Beeswax (1oz-2oz)
Beeswax Figurines
Novice Beeswax Item
Beeswax Candles (Dipped Tapers)
Beeswax Candles (Molded Tapers)
Beeswax Candles (Molded Ornamental)
Beeswax Candles (Floating)
Beeswax Candles (Rolled)
Novice Beeswax Candle
Beeswax Sculpture or Carving
Beeswax Flowers
Artwork Related to Beekeeping
Crafts Related to Beekeeping
Needlecraft Related to Beekeeping
Woodcraft Related to Beekeeping
Encaustic Painting
Lip Balms
Furniture Polish
Photography (open)
Photography (essay)
Photography (macro)
Photography (selected topic “curious comb”)
Photography (black & white)
Photography (scenic)
Photography (portrait)
Poetry Related to Beekeeping
Decorative Display Related to Beekeeping
Beekeeping Gift Baskets
Beekeeping Gadgets
Honey Jar Label
Beekeeping Antiquities
Decorated Display Hives
Traditional Meads (sweet)
Traditional Meads (dry)
Varietal Meads (sweet)
Varietal Meads (dry)
Beers & Ales made w/honey
Cocktails made w/honey
Non-Alcoholic Beverages made w/honey
Vinegar made from Honey
Honey Cake (pound cake)
Honey Cake (cupcakes and petit fours)
Honey Cake (open recipe)
Honey Breads (loaves)
Honey Breads (rolls and muffins)
Honey Confections
Honey Cookies
Honey Candy
Honey Condiments (non-spicy)
Honey Condiments (hot)
BBQ Sauce made w/Honey
Jams & Jellies made w/Honey
Preserves made w/Honey
Rules for Individual Classes
1-3 Extracted Honey
Extracted honey is judged in three subcategories: (a) light, (b) medium or amber, and (c) dark. Exhibitors may submit one exhibit in each of these three subcategories. One exhibit of extracted honey is defined as three (3) identical one-pound jars, as specified in rule #17 under the General Rules of the Honey Show. Closures may be of metal or plastic. Tamper-proof seals are strictly prohibited; any exhibits submitted with any tamper-proof seal(s) will be severely penalized. Judges evaluate entries on the following: confirmation with the criteria set forth herein; cleanliness of the jar and lid; correct fill level; uniformity of the jars that comprise the exhibit; cleanliness and clarity of the honey; moisture content (only if needed); and aroma and flavor (for off aromas or flavors). *See Appendix hereafter for notes on correct jars and fill level.
4 Novice Extracted Honey
This category is open only to exhibitors who have never won a First prize in any extracted honey category at any prior honey show. An exhibit consists of one (1) one-pound jar of extracted honey, as specified in rule #17 under the General Rules of the Honey Show. Closures may be of metal or plastic. Tamper-proof seals are strictly prohibited; any exhibits submitted with any tamper-proof seal(s) will be severely penalized. Judges evaluate entries on the following: confirmation with the criteria set forth herein; cleanliness of the jar and lid; correct fill level; uniformity of the jars that comprise the exhibit; cleanliness and clarity of the honey; moisture content (only if needed); and aroma and flavor (for off aromas or flavors). *See Appendix hereafter for notes on correct jars and fill level.
5 Varietal Extracted Honey
An exhibit consists of three (3) identical one-pound jars of extracted, varietal honey, as specified in rule #17 under the General Rules of the Honey Show. Except as provided herein, judging criteria is the same as that for Extracted Honey. Entries will be evaluated on the strength of characteristic(s), including aroma, flavor, and color profile(s) typically associated with the given variety of honey. For example, is a given exhibit of “tupelo” honey strongly representative of what pure tupelo honey should taste like, or are there indications of the presence of other floral sources in the exhibit as well? Preference is given to the best representative of each respective varietal. Judges evaluate entries on the following: confirmation with the criteria set forth herein; cleanliness of the jar and lid; correct fill level; uniformity of the jars that comprise the exhibit; cleanliness and clarity of the honey; moisture content (only if needed); and aroma and flavor (for off aromas or flavors). *A white card with a description of the variety, or predominant floral source, of the honey must accompany each exhibit.
6-7 Infused Extracted Honey
Infused extracted honey is judged in two subcategories: (a) non-spicy, and (b) spicy. Exhibitors may submit one exhibit in each of these two subcategories. An exhibit consists of three (3) identical one-pound jars, as specified in rule #17 under the General Rules of the Honey Show, of extracted honey which has been infused with one or more added flavors and/or aromas. The judging criteria for this category is the same as that for H1 (Extracted Honey), with the exception that the use of infusing agents is permitted. The infusing agent(s) should be removed from the honey, and the honey should be free of all visible inclusions and debris. Judges evaluate entries on the following: confirmation with the criteria set forth herein; cleanliness of the jar and lid; correct fill level; cleanliness and clarity of the honey; moisture content (only if needed); aroma; flavor; potency; balance; and finish. *A white card with a description of the flavoring(s) added to the honey must accompany each exhibit. *See Appendix hereafter for notes on correct jars and fill level.
8-9 Creamed Honey (soft set)
Creamed Honey is judged in two subcategories: (a) natural, and (b) flavored. Exhibitors may submit one exhibit in each of these two categories. Creamed or Soft Set honey is honey that has been subjected to a manual or mechanical process to assist and control the otherwise natural process of granulation. An entry of creamed honey is three (3) identical wide-mouth jars, no less than eight ounces (8oz.), nor more than sixteen ounces (16oz.) in net weight. Creamed honey must be displayed in identical, clear, straight-sided, glass jars with one-piece lids. Judges evaluate entries on the following: confirmation with the criteria set forth herein; cleanliness of the jar and lid; correct fill level; cleanliness and purity of the honey; uniformity of product within the jar; fineness of crystals; appropriate set or firmness (should be spreadable but not runny); freedom from striation, foam, frosting, or visible moisture; uniformity of the jars that comprise the exhibit; aroma and flavor (for off aromas or flavors); and moisture content (only if in question). For flavored entries, the exhibitor must submit a white card listing any and all added flavoring ingredients or additives, and describing the process and procedure (including all steps and equipment) employed to produce their creamed honey.
10 Naturally Granulated Honey (firm set)
Naturally granulated honey is honey which has been allowed to granulate in the jar without the aid of any manual or mechanical assistance or influence from the exhibitor. An entry of Naturally Granulated honey is three (3) identical wide-mouth jars, no less than eight ounces (8oz.), nor more than sixteen ounces (16oz.) in net weight. Naturally Granulated honey must be displayed in identical, clear, straight-sided, glass jars with one-piece lids. Judges evaluate entries on the following: confirmation with the criteria set forth herein; cleanliness of the jar and lid; correct fill level; cleanliness and purity of the honey; uniformity of product within the jar; fineness of crystals; appropriate set or firmness (should be spreadable but not runny); freedom from foam, frosting, or visible moisture; freedom from added flavors, striation, or colors; uniformity of the jars that comprise the exhibit; aroma and flavor (for off aromas or flavors); and moisture content (only if in question).
11 Chunk Comb Honey
One entry of chunk honey is three (3) identical one-pound jars. Chunk honey must be displayed in straight sided, uncolored, glass, wide mouth jars. The glass should not be embossed. Such jars are available from many commercial beekeeping suppliers. Only one chunk of comb should be in each jar for competition. The chunk of comb must be in one piece, of uniform thickness, and with a straight mid rib. Virgin comb with this year’s wax is preferred. All foundation should be unwired, thin surplus. The cuts should be clean and uniform. The chunk comb should be cut and sized to appropriately fit the container. The honey should fill the rest of the jar to the correct fill line. The comb should be oriented in the container as found naturally in the hive. Honeycomb with watery cappings should be avoided. The comb should extend the length of the jar. The chunk of comb should account for at least fifty percent (50%) of the internal volume of the jar. Judges evaluate entries on the following: confirmation with the criteria set forth herein; cleanliness of the jar and lid; correct fill level; uniformity of the jars that comprise the entry; cleanliness and clarity of the honey; absence of pollen, brood, uncapped cells, “wet” or “watery” cappings, or travel stains on the cappings; freedom from granulation; absence of floating wax debris in, or on the surface of the honey; moisture content (only if needed); and aroma and flavor (for off aromas or flavors).
12 Cut Comb Honey
An exhibit of cut comb honey is three (3) identical boxes. The boxes must be transparent on all sides made for displaying cut comb. Each box of cut comb should weigh a minimum of twelve (12) ounces. The chunk of comb must be in one piece, with a straight mid rib and of uniform thickness. Virgin comb with this year’s wax is preferred. All foundation should be unwired, thin surplus. The cuts should be clean and uniform. There should be no leaking of honey from comb into the box. Judges evaluate entries on the following: confirmation with the criteria set forth herein; uniformity of the items that comprise the entry; uniformity of appearance and color (including the honey in the comb); cleanliness of the jar and lid; completeness of cappings; cleanliness and clarity of the honey; absence of pollen, brood, uncapped cells, “wet” or “watery” cappings, or travel stains on the cappings; freedom from granulation, pollen, and brood; moisture content (only if needed); and aroma and flavor (for off aromas or flavors).
13 Section Comb Honey
An exhibit of section comb honey is three (3) identical sections. Ross rounds and square section entries must be displayed in the original square or circular section. Sections must be in the containers made for the display of their respective style of section comb honey. The main display panel of the containers may not be obscured or obstructed in any way. One or more of the containers may be opened to facilitate the Judge’s evaluation of the exhibit. There should be no leaking of honey from comb into the box. Judges evaluate entries on the following: confirmation with the criteria set forth herein; uniformity of the items that comprise the entry; uniformity of appearance and color (including the honey in the comb); cleanliness of the section and lid; completeness of capping; cleanliness and clarity of the honey; absence of pollen, brood, uncapped cells, “wet” or “watery” cappings, or travel stains on the cappings; freedom from granulation, pollen, and brood; moisture content (only if needed); and aroma and flavor (for off aromas or flavors).
14 Full Frame Comb Honey
An exhibit of full frame comb honey is one (1) standard Langstroth style frame of capped honey. The use of plastic foundation is prohibited; exhibits with comb drawn on plastic foundation will be severely penalized. Frames must be shown in protective casing without lacing or edging and both sides of the comb should be visible. There should be no leaking of honey from comb into the case. The frame must be easily accessible for judging. Judges evaluate entries on the following: confirmation with the criteria set forth herein; completeness of cappings; uniformity of appearance and color (including the honey in the comb); cleanliness of the comb and frame; absence of uncapped cells, “wet” or “watery” cappings, or travel stains on the cappings; freedom from granulation, pollen, and brood; cleanliness of the exposed portions of the frame, including freedom from propolis and bur comb; moisture content (only if needed); and aroma and flavor (for off aromas or flavors). Total weight of the exhibit may be used as a tiebreaker.
15 Top Bar Frame Comb Honey
An exhibit of top bar comb honey is one (1) frame of capped honey suspended from a single top bar-style frame. The use of plastic foundation is prohibited; exhibits with comb drawn on plastic foundation will be severely penalized. Frames must be shown in protective casing without lacing or edging and both sides of the comb should be visible. There should be no leaking of honey from comb into the case. The frame must be easily accessible for judging. Judges evaluate entries on the following: confirmation with the criteria set forth herein; completeness of capping; uniformity of appearance and color (including the honey in the comb); cleanliness of the comb and frame; absence of uncapped cells, “wet” or “watery” cappings, or travel stains on the cappings; freedom from granulation, pollen, and brood; cleanliness of the exposed portions of the frame, including freedom from propolis and bur comb; moisture content (only if needed); and aroma and flavor (for off aromas or flavors). Total weight of the exhibit may be used as a tiebreaker.
16 Free-Form Comb Honey
An exhibit of free form comb honey is three (3) identical containers of comb honey in any style or format not encompassed in another category in this honey show. Each container should weigh a minimum of eight (8) ounces. Judges evaluate entries on the following: confirmation with the criteria set forth herein; uniformity of the items that comprise the entry; uniformity of appearance and color (including the honey in the comb); cleanliness of the container and lid; completeness of capping; cleanliness and clarity of the honey; absence of pollen, brood, uncapped cells, “wet” or “watery” cappings, or travel stains on the cappings; freedom from granulation, pollen, and brood; moisture content (only if needed); and aroma and flavor (for off aromas or flavors).
17 Novice Comb honey
This category is open only to exhibitors who have never won a first prize in any comb honey category at any prior honey show. An exhibit consists of one (1) jar of chunk honey, piece cut comb honey, or section of comb honey. Judges evaluate entries on the following: confirmation with the criteria set forth herein; uniformity of appearance and color (including the honey in the comb); cleanliness of the container and lid; completeness of cappings; cleanliness and clarity of the honey; absence of pollen, brood, uncapped cells, “wet” or “watery” cappings, or travel stains on the capping; freedom from granulation, pollen, and brood; moisture content (only if needed); and aroma and flavor (for off aromas or flavors).
18 Black Jar
An entry consists of not less than two ounces, nor more than four ounces, of pure, unadulterated honey. The required jar will be provided by the Show Secretary at the sign-in table, and the Exhibitor will transfer their entry into the jar and return the exhibit to the Show Secretary. Judges evaluate entries for flavor only. *Black jar entries shall not be eligible for Major Division awards or the Best in Show award. BLACK JAR ENTRIES WILL NOT BE RETURNED
19 Beeswax Block (standard)
An exhibit consists of one (1) block of pure beeswax. The block must weigh between one to two pounds, no more, and should have thickness no greater than 1.5 inches. The wax should be clean, and free of impurities. The block should be smooth-surfaced and free of blemishes, decorations or embellishments. Beeswax should be of a vibrant, natural beeswax color, and should have a pleasant, natural beeswax fragrance. The block should be submitted on a plain, white plate or board (which may be made of paper, foam, cardboard, or any similar material), in a zip-top bag. Alternatively, at the Exhibitor’s option, the block may be presented in a protective display case. If a show case is used, it must not exceed 12”(length) x12”(width) x 4”(depth), and the wax block must be readily accessible for judging. The show case will not be judged, aside for cleanliness. Judges evaluate entries on the following: confirmation with the criteria set forth herein; cleanliness; color; finish; absence of pouring or casting defects including cracks, raised edges, unevenness, rippled or wavy surfaces, and aroma (for off aromas).
*The presence of the word “BEESWAX” imprinted on one surface of the block shall not be counted as a flaw or defect. However, any such mark or imprint shall be judged for casting flaws and sharpness of detail.
20 Beeswax Block (Large)
An exhibit consists of one (1) block of pure beeswax. block must weigh no less than five (5), and no more than ten (10) pounds; there is no limitation on the thickness of the block. The wax should be clean, and free of impurities. The block should be smooth-surfaced and free of blemishes, decorations or embellishments. Beeswax should be of a vibrant, natural beeswax color, and should have a pleasant, natural beeswax fragrance. The block should be submitted on a plate, tray, or board with a footprint extending no more than two inches beyond the edges of the block. Judges evaluate entries on the following: confirmation with the criteria set forth herein; cleanliness; color; finish; absence of pouring or casting defects including cracks, raised edges, unevenness, rippled or wavy surfaces, and aroma (for off aromas).
21 Six Identical Pieces of Beeswax
An exhibit is defined as six (6) identical pieces of beeswax. Each piece should be not less than one ounce (1 oz.), nor more than two ounces (2 oz.). The beeswax should be of a vibrant, natural beeswax color, and should have a pleasant, natural beeswax fragrance. The wax should be clean, and free of impurities. The pieces should be smooth-surfaced, free of blemishes, and identical in every way. The pieces should be submitted on a plain, white plate or board (which may be made of paper, foam, cardboard, or any similar material), in a zip-top bag. Alternatively, at the Exhibitor’s option, the pieces may be presented in a protective display case. If a show case is used, it must not exceed 12”(length) x 12”(width) x 4”(depth), and the pieces must be readily accessible for judging. The show case will not be judged, aside for cleanliness. Judges evaluate entries on the following: confirmation with the criteria set forth herein; cleanliness; color; aroma (for off aromas); uniformity; casting flaws; and sharpness of detail.
22 Beeswax Figurines
A figurine is a small sculpted, carved, cast or molded statue that represents a person, animal, plant, creature, or deity (either real or fictional). A figurine may be free-standing, or be supported by a base, stand, or appropriate fixture. An entry is defined as three (3) identical beeswax figurines, depicting any person, animal, plant, creature, or deity of the exhibitor’s choosing. Each figurine may be no more than sixteen (16) ounces in weight, and no less than two inches (2”) in height, nor more than twelve inches (12”) in height. Figurines may be molded or hand-formed. Beeswax should be of a vibrant, natural beeswax color, and should have a pleasant, natural beeswax fragrance. Additionally, the use of colored or dyed beeswax is acceptable. For exhibits utilizing colored or dyed beeswax, the wax should be of uniform color throughout, free of marbling, striations, or any unevenness in coloration. Items comprising the exhibit should be uniform in every aspect, including height, thickness, weight, appearance, and performance (where appropriate). Judges evaluate entries on the following: confirmation with the criteria set forth herein; cleanliness; color; aroma (for off aromas); uniformity; casting flaws; and sharpness of detail.
23 Novice Beeswax Item
This category is open only to exhibitors who have never won a First prize in any beeswax category at any prior honey show. An exhibit consists of one (1) beeswax item, weighing no less than one (1) ounce and no more than eight (8) ounces. Beeswax should be of a vibrant, natural beeswax color, and should have a pleasant, natural beeswax fragrance. The beeswax should be clean, and free of impurities. The entry should be smooth-surfaced and/or well cast, and free of blemishes. The entry should be submitted on a plain, white plate or board (which may be made of paper, foam, cardboard, or any similar material), in a zip-top bag. Judges evaluate entries on the following: confirmation with the criteria set forth herein; cleanliness; color; aroma (for off aromas); uniformity; casting flaws; and sharpness of detail.
24 Dipped Taper Beeswax Candles
An exhibit for dipped tapers is defined as two pairs of two connected candles (a total of four candles). The wax should be clean, and free of impurities. Beeswax should be of a vibrant, natural beeswax color, and should have a pleasant, natural beeswax fragrance. Dipped tapers should have the last drip left on; the wicks must be left joined. The minimum length of all taper candles is eight inches. One of the candles in each exhibit will be lit by the judge and allowed to burn. The exhibit must be presented with one (1) free-standing, fire-proof base or candleholder. Items comprising the exhibit should be uniform in every aspect, including height, thickness, weight, appearance, and performance (where appropriate). Judges evaluate entries on the following: confirmation with the criteria set forth in herein; cleanliness; color; aroma (for off aromas); proper wicking; performance; and uniformity.
25 Molded Taper Beeswax Candles
An exhibit is defined as three (3) candles. The wax should be clean, and free of impurities. Beeswax should be of a vibrant, natural beeswax color, and should have a pleasant, natural beeswax fragrance. Molded tapers must have flat finished bases with wicks well centered. The minimum length of all taper candles is eight inches. Wicks must be waxed and trimmed to one-half inch in length. One of the candles in each exhibit will be lit by the judge and allowed to burn. The exhibit must be presented with one (1) free-standing, fire-proof base or candleholder. Items comprising the exhibit should be uniform in every aspect, including height, thickness, weight, appearance, and performance (where appropriate). Judges evaluate entries on the following: confirmation with the criteria set forth in herein; cleanliness; color; aroma (for off aromas); proper wicking; performance; uniformity; casting flaws; and sharpness of detail.
26 Molded Ornamental Beeswax Candles
An exhibit is defined as three (3) candles. The wax should be clean, and free of impurities. Beeswax should be of a vibrant, natural beeswax color, and should have a pleasant, natural beeswax fragrance. Wicks must be trimmed to one-half inch in length. The form must have a flat finished base with wicks waxed and well centered. Candles will be judged on the herein criteria as well casting flaws and sharpness of detail. One of the candles in each exhibit will be lit by the judge and allowed to burn. The exhibit must be presented with one (1) free-standing, fire-proof base or candleholder. Items comprising the exhibit should be uniform in every aspect, including height, thickness, weight, appearance, and performance (where appropriate). Judges evaluate entries on the following: confirmation with the criteria set forth in herein; cleanliness; color; aroma (for off aromas); proper wicking; performance; uniformity; casting flaws; and sharpness of detail.
27 Floating Beeswax Candles
An exhibit is defined as three (3) candles floating in a small dish of water. The wax should be clean, and free of impurities. Beeswax should be of a vibrant, natural beeswax color, and should have a pleasant, natural beeswax fragrance. Wicks must be trimmed to one-half inch in length. Wicks should be waxed and well centered. The candles should float freely in the water. The dish will not be judged. One of the candles in each exhibit will be lit by the judge and allowed to burn. Items comprising the exhibit should be uniform in every aspect, including height, thickness, weight, appearance, and performance (where appropriate). Judges evaluate entries on the following: confirmation with the criteria set forth in herein; cleanliness; color; aroma (for off aromas); proper wicking; performance; uniformity; casting flaws; and sharpness of detail.
28 Rolled Beeswax Candles
An exhibit is defined as three (3) candles made by rolling sheets of beeswax foundation. *For this category only, the use of commercially manufactured sheets of beeswax is allowed. Beeswax should be of a vibrant, natural beeswax color, and should have a pleasant, natural beeswax fragrance. The wax should be clean, and free of impurities. Additionally, the use of colored or dyed beeswax is acceptable. For exhibits utilizing colored or dyed beeswax, the wax should be of uniform color throughout, free of marbling, striations, or any unevenness in coloration. Wicks must be trimmed to one-half inch in length. The candle must have a flat base with wicks waxed and well centered. Candles will be judged on the criteria herein as well rolling flaws and sharpness of detail. One of the candles in each exhibit will be lit by the judge and allowed to burn. The exhibit must be presented with one (1) free-standing, fire-proof base or candleholder. Items comprising the exhibit should be uniform in every aspect, including height, thickness, weight, appearance, and performance (where appropriate). Judges evaluate entries on the following: confirmation with the criteria set forth in herein; cleanliness; color; aroma (for off aromas); proper wicking; performance; uniformity; rolling flaws; and sharpness of detail.
29 Novice Beeswax Candle
This category is open only to exhibitors who have never won a first prize in any beeswax candle category at any prior honey show. An exhibit is defined as one (1) beeswax candle. The beeswax should be of a vibrant, natural beeswax color, and should have a pleasant, natural beeswax fragrance. The wax should be clean, and free of impurities. Wicks should be trimmed to one-half inch in length. The candle should have a flat base with wicks waxed and well centered. The candle will be lit by the judge and allowed to burn. The exhibit must be presented with one (1) free-standing, fire-proof base or candleholder. Judges evaluate entries on the following: confirmation with the criteria set forth in herein; cleanliness; color; aroma (for off aromas); proper wicking; performance; uniformity; casting or rolling flaws; and sharpness of detail.
30 Beeswax Sculpture or Carving
An Exhibitor may submit one example of any sculpted or carved beeswax item of their own creation. The use of wiring and/or coloring is permitted. Beeswax should be of a vibrant, natural beeswax color, and should have a pleasant, natural beeswax fragrance. Molded elements are not permitted. The sculpture or carving must be the original composition of the Exhibitor. The sculpture or carving must be mounted or freestanding in design. Judges evaluate entries on the following: confirmation with the criteria set forth herein; cleanliness; color; aroma (for off aromas); subject matter; aesthetic appeal; technical proficiency; creativity; and originality. *A white card with a description of the item must accompany each exhibit.
31 Beeswax Flowers
An Exhibitor may submit one example of one or more beeswax flower(s) of their own creation. The flowers must include stems/stalks. The use of wiring and/or coloring is permitted. Molded elements are not permitted. The flower(s) must be the original composition of the Exhibitor. The flowers must be presented in a vase or other similar container; however, the container will not be judged. Judges evaluate entries on the following: confirmation with the criteria set forth herein; cleanliness; color; fragrance; subject matter, aesthetic appeal, technical proficiency, creativity, and originality. *A white card with a description of the exhibit, including a listing of all varieties of flowers included in the exhibit, must accompany each exhibit.
32 Artwork Related to Beekeeping
Artwork is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, often in a visual form such as (but no way limited to) painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power. An Exhibitor may submit one example of any beekeeping-related artwork of their own composition. The artwork must be related to some aspect of apiculture, must be the original composition of the Exhibitor. The artwork must be mounted or freestanding in design. Judges evaluate entries on the following: confirmation with the criteria set forth in herein; subject matter, aesthetic appeal, technical proficiency, creativity, and originality. *A white card with a description of the item must accompany each entry.
33 Crafts Related to Beekeeping
A craft is a pastime or a profession that requires particular skill and knowledge of a specialized field or subject. Craftsmanship typically denotes experience, knowledge, skill, and expertise in making things by hand. An Exhibitor may submit one example of any beekeeping-related craftwork of their own composition. The craftwork must be related to some aspect of apiculture, and must be the original composition of the Exhibitor. The craftwork must be mounted or freestanding in design. Judges evaluate entries on the following: confirmation with the criteria set forth in herein; subject matter, aesthetic appeal, technical proficiency, creativity, and originality. *A white card with a description ofthe item must accompany each entry.
34 Needlecraft Related to Beekeeping
This category includes any decorative or artistic exhibit of needlecraft, some examples of which might include knitting, crochet, lace, embroidery, quilting, cross-stitch, needlepoint, or weaving, relating to honeybees or beekeeping. An Exhibitor may submit one example of any beekeeping-related needlecraft of their own creation. Judges evaluate entries on the following: subject matter, aesthetic appeal, technical proficiency, creativity, and originality. *A white card with a description of the item must accompany each exhibit.
35 Woodcraft Related to Beekeeping
Beekeeping Woodcraft is a particular skill and knowledge required to produce the wooden wares commonly utilized by beekeepers. An Exhibitor may submit one example of any wooden beekeeping item of their own composition. Acceptable examples of wooden items include any component(s) of any size Langstroth-style hive, a Warre-style hive, a top-bar hive, a horizontal-style hive, a nucleus hive, or an observation hive. Exhibits must be primarily comprised of wooden components; however, the use of nails, screws, tacks, glues, adhesives, wire, stains, varnishes, paints, inlays, and other such elements are permitted. Judges evaluate entries on the following: confirmation with the criteria set forth in herein; subject matter, aesthetic appeal, technical proficiency (including precision, fit, strength, and durability), creativity, and originality. *A white card with a description of the item must accompany each entry.
36 Encaustic Painting
An Exhibitor may submit one example of an encaustic painting of their own composition. The painting must utilize the materials, media, and technique(s) specific to encaustic painting, and must be the original composition of the Exhibitor. The wax must be beeswax; however, the use of commercial and/or synthetic pigments is permissible. The artwork must be mounted or freestanding in design. Judges evaluate entries on the following: confirmation with the criteria set forth in herein; subject matter, aesthetic appeal, technical proficiency, creativity, and originality. *A white card with a description of the work must accompany each entry.
37 Soaps
An Exhibitor may submit one example of a soap prepared by the Exhibitor. An exhibit in this category consists of one (1) re-sealable jar, bottle, tube, box, or tin, containing not less than one ounce (1oz.), nor more than eight ounces (8oz) of product. The recipe for the exhibit must include beeswax, honey, or propolis produced by the Exhibitor. All entries will be tested. Judges evaluate entries on the following: appearance, uniformity, texture or tactile appeal (where appropriate), aroma, ease of application, performance, and originality. *A white card with a description of the product, the recipe (including all ingredients, ingredient quantities, & procedure), and the directions for use must accompany each exhibit.
38 Lotions
An Exhibitor may submit one example of a lotion prepared by the Exhibitor. An exhibit in this category consists of one (1) re-sealable jar, bottle, tube, box, or tin, containing not less than one ounce (1oz.), nor more than eight ounces (8oz) of product. The recipe for the exhibit must include beeswax, honey, or propolis produced by the Exhibitor. All entries will be tested. Judges evaluate entries on the following: appearance, uniformity, texture or tactile appeal (where appropriate), aroma, ease of application, performance, and originality. *A white card with a description of the product, the recipe (including all ingredients, ingredient quantities, & procedure) and the directions for use must accompany each exhibit.
39 Lip Balms
An Exhibitor may submit one example of a lip balm prepared by the Exhibitor. An exhibit in this category consists of one (1) re-sealable tube or tin, containing not less than one tenth of an ounce (.1oz.), nor more than four ounces (4oz) of product. The recipe for the exhibit must include beeswax, honey, or propolis produced by the Exhibitor. All entries will be tested. Judges evaluate entries on the following: appearance, uniformity, texture or tactile appeal (where appropriate), flavor (where appropriate), aroma, ease of application, performance, and originality. *A white card with a description of the product, the recipe (including all ingredients, ingredient quantities, & procedure), and the directions for use must accompany each exhibit.
40 Furniture Polish
An Exhibitor may submit one example of a furniture polish prepared by the Exhibitor. An exhibit in this category consists of one (1) re-sealable jar or bottle or tin, containing not less than one ounce (1oz.), nor more than eight ounces (8oz) of product. The recipe for the exhibit must include beeswax, honey, or propolis produced by the Exhibitor. All entries will be tested. Judges evaluate entries on the following: appearance, uniformity, texture or tactile appeal, aroma, ease of application, performance, and originality. *A white card with a description of the product, the recipe (including all ingredients, ingredient quantities, & procedure), and the directions for use must accompany each exhibit.
41-47 Photographs Related to Beekeeping
Photographs Related to Beekeeping are judged in seven (7) subcategories: (a) Open; (b) Essay; (c) Selected Topic, (d) Macro; (e) Black & White; (f) Scenic; and (g) Portrait. Exhibitors may submit one exhibit in each of these subcategories. Specific requirements pertaining to each respective subcategory are:
(a) Open- no restrictions other than those set forth herein;
(b) Essay- should convey a story or message pertaining to apiculture, and must contain at least four (4), but no more than seven (7) photographs;
(c) Selected Topic- must exemplify, reflect, illustrate, or depict the designated topic. This year’s topic is “curious honeycomb”.
(d) Macro – close up;
(e) Black & White – must be monochrome;
(f) Scenic – an outdoor view or image; and
(g) Portrait – of a person engaged in a beekeeping-related activity.
An Exhibitor may submit one example of any beekeeping-related photography of their own composition. The photograph(s) must be related to some aspect of apiculture, and must be the original composition of the Exhibitor. With the exception of Portraits, which must be 8”x10’ in size, all other photographs must be at least 5”x7” in size. The photograph(s) must be mounted, matted, or framed. The photograph(s) must stand up for display; either equipped with an easel back, or the entrant must provide an easel on which to display the exhibit. Judges evaluate entries on the following: subject matter, aesthetic appeal, technical proficiency, creativity, and originality. *A white card with a description of the item must accompany each exhibit.
48 Poetry Related to Beekeeping
This category includes the literary art of rhythmical composition for exciting pleasure, thought, action, or even disquiet by beautiful, imaginative, or elevated thoughts. An Exhibitor may submit one example of any beekeeping-related poetry of their own creation, of not more than 200 words or 20 lines, whichever is greater, excluding title line. All poems may be either neatly handwritten or typed, single or double line spacing. Poems may be of any form, or style. All entries must be original works. Judges evaluate entries on the following: subject matter, aesthetic appeal, technical proficiency, creativity, and originality.
49 Decorative Display
*The prohibition contained in the general rules in regard to no identifying marks on any exhibit, shall not apply to exhibits in this category. The Exhibitor may use their own labels on all items included in the exhibit. An Exhibitor may submit one decorative display of homemade products containing honey and/or beeswax of their own design. Each display shall contain a minimum of six (6), and a maximum of ten (10) items, all containing honey and/or beeswax as ingredients. The display dimensions must not exceed 24”(length) x 24”(width) x 36”(height). The display must be mounted or freestanding in design. Items in the display will be opened and/or sampled for judging. The display, and all elements therein, must be the original composition(s) of the Exhibitor. Judges evaluate entries on the following: subject matter, aesthetic appeal, technical proficiency, creativity, and originality. *A white card with an inventory, and a description, of all items in the display (including all recipes, all ingredients, and all ingredient quantities) must accompany each entry. The information contained on the card should clearly identify each item in the display.
50 Beekeeping Gift Basket
*The prohibition contained in the general rules in regard to no identifying marks on any exhibit, shall not apply to exhibits in this category. The Exhibitor may use their own labels on all items included in the exhibit. An Exhibitor may submit one gift basket of homemade products containing honey and/or beeswax of their own design. Each basket shall contain a minimum of four (4), and a maximum of eight (8) items, all containing honey and/or beeswax as ingredients. Items in the display will be opened and/or sampled for judging. All items in the basket must be the original composition(s) of the Exhibitor. Judges evaluate entries on the following: subject matter, aesthetic appeal, technical proficiency, creativity, and originality. *A white card with an inventory, and a description, of all items in the display (including all recipes, all ingredients, and all ingredient quantities) must accompany each entry. The information contained on the card should clearly identify each item in the display.
51 Beekeeping Gadgets
A gadget is a mechanical or electronic device or tool, especially one of an ingenious or novel nature. An Exhibitor may submit one example of any beekeeping-related gadget of their own creation. The gadget must be related to some aspect of apiculture, and must be the original creation of the Exhibitor. Judges evaluate entries on the following: craftsmanship, ingenuity, functionality, creativity, and originality. *A white card with a description of the item and its operation must accompany each exhibit.
52 Honey Jar Label
*The prohibition contained in the general rules in regard to no identifying marks on any exhibit, shall not apply to exhibits in this category. An Exhibitor may submit one example of a honey jar label of their own design. The label must be mounted on or affixed to a standard, unlined white card. The label must include the following: The name of the business, apiary, or individual; the physical address, including the city, state & zip code, of the business, apiary, or individual; the net contents in terms of weight, in both metric (grams, kilograms) and U.S. Customary System (ounces, pounds); the contents or ingredients must be listed on the principal display panel; and the common name of the contents or ingredients (ie. Honey, Raw Honey, variety of honey). Judges evaluate entries on the following: subject matter, aesthetic appeal, technical compliance, legibility, printing quality (sharpness of text and graphics), durability, creativity, and originality.
53 Beekeeping Antiquities
An exhibit in this category is any item related to beekeeping produced, manufactured, or published at least fifty (50) years prior to the date of the current exhibition. An Exhibitor may submit one example of any beekeeping-related item meeting the following criteria. The item must be related to some aspect of apiculture, and must be at least fifty (50) years old. The submission of reproductions is allowed; however, a strong preference shall be given to original items. Judges evaluate entries on the following: originality, age, rarity, condition, provenance, nostalgic impact, and influence on the world of beekeeping. *A white card with a description of the item and a summary of its provenance must accompany each exhibit. For purposes of this contest, the term “provenance” shall be defined as follows: Any record(s) or documentation supporting an exhibit’s source, origin, creation, record of ownership, custody, or authenticity. The submission of original documentation regarding an exhibit's provenance is strongly encouraged.
54 Decorated Display Hives
A decorative display hive should be eye-catching, head-turning, and spectacular to behold! An Exhibitor may submit one example of any decorated display beehive of their own composition. Acceptable styles of hives are limited to the exterior components of any removable-frame honeybee hive. Hives must include a minimum of a top, one box, and a bottom/stand, but the Exhibitor may include additional boxes at the Exhibitor’s discretion (up to a maximum total of three boxes). The artwork on each hive must be the original composition and work of the Exhibitor. The exhibit must not be signed or bear any identifying marks. Judges evaluate entries on the following: confirmation with the criteria set forth in herein; aesthetic appeal, technical proficiency, creativity, and originality.
PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: Exhibitors should be aware and keep in mind, THIS IS A HONEY SHOW. These beverage & culinary categories have been specifically chosen because of their ability to showcase honey as an ingredient. The influence and impact of honey on the finished product will be the first, and ultimate, factor the judges will consider when making final awards. The stronger and more pronounced the flavor and aroma of honey is in the finished product, the greater the preference that exhibit will receive from the judges. Conversely, an exhibit of otherwise exceptional quality that does not taste or smell profoundly of honey, will not be placed highly despite the presence of other exceptional qualities.
55-58 Meads
Meads are judged in four subcategories: (a) Traditional Sweet, (b) Traditional Dry, (c) Varietal Sweet, and (d) Varietal Dry. Traditional meads contain only honey, water, yeast, and no other flavoring additives. Varietal meads include melomels, pymets, cysers, metheglins, hippocras, braggots, sac meads, and dessert meads. Entrants may submit one exhibit in each of these respective subcategories. An exhibit consists of one, clear, uncolored, glass standard 750ml wine bottle. Punt bottles are acceptable as long as they are standard pattern wine bottles. Tee, tasting, or mushroom-style corks are acceptable closures; traditional, inserted corks will not be accepted by the Show Secretary. Bottles should be filled to a point precisely two (2) centimeters from the bottom of the cork. All mead must be produced from honey produced by the Exhibitor. All entries will be tasted. Judges evaluate entries on the following: confirmation with the criteria set forth herein; cleanliness of the container and closure; cleanliness and clarity of the contents; correct fill level; color; clarity; lack of sediment; aroma; flavor, including maturity, body, balance, complexity, and finish; and influence of honey on the final product. *A white card with a description of the product, the recipe, including all ingredients, ingredient quantities, & procedure must accompany each exhibit. The Exhibitor should also note on the white card if they have submitted a second bottle for chilled tasting.
59 Beer & Ale Made with Honey
An Exhibitor may submit one example of a beer or ale prepared by the Exhibitor. An exhibit consists of one (1) glass, unembossed, standard 12oz or 16oz beer bottle. Clear glass is preferable, however colored glass is acceptable. Standard, unmarked crimped closures or lightening closures will be accepted. Bottles should be filled to not less than 1” nor more than 1.5” from the bottom of the cap or closure. All beer and ale must be produced from honey produced by the Exhibitor. All entries will be tasted. Judges evaluate entries on the following: cleanliness, fill, color, clarity, lack of sediment, aroma, flavor, body, balance, complexity, and finish. *A white card with a description of the product, the recipe, including all ingredients, ingredient quantities, & procedure must accompany each exhibit. The Exhibitor should also note on the white card if they have submitted a second bottle for chilled tasting.
60 Cocktails made w/honey
An Exhibitor may submit one example of a honey cocktail created by the Exhibitor. An exhibit consists of all of the ingredients, elements, garnishments, equipment and tools necessary to make three (3) servings of the submitted cocktail. Appropriate serving glasses, cups, or tumblers should be included. All elements containing alcohol or spirits should be individually packaged and clearly labeled. All submissions must contain honey produced by the Exhibitor. All entries will be tasted. Judges evaluate entries on the following: cleanliness, originality, aroma, flavor, balance, complexity, and finish. *A white card with a description of the product, the recipe, including all ingredients, ingredient quantities, procedure, and any directions must accompany each exhibit.
61 Honey Beverages (Non-alcoholic)
An exhibit consists of one (1) glass, unembossed, standard 12oz or 16oz beer bottle. Clear glass is preferable, however colored glass is acceptable. Standard, unmarked crimped closures or lightening closures will be accepted. Bottles should be filled to not less than 1” nor more than 1.5” from the bottom of the cap or closure. All honey beverages must be produced from honey produced by the Exhibitor. All entries will be tasted. Judges evaluate entries on the following: cleanliness, fill, color, clarity, lack of sediment, aroma, flavor, body, balance, complexity, and finish. The Exhibitor should also note on the white card if they have submitted a second bottle for chilled tasting.
62 Honey Vinegar
An Exhibitor may submit one example of a honey vinegar prepared by the Exhibitor. An exhibit consists of one (1) clear glass, unembossed, 4 oz to 16oz bottle. All honey vinegars must be produced from honey produced by the Exhibitor. All entries will be tasted. Judges evaluate entries on the following: cleanliness, fill, color, clarity, lack of sediment, aroma, flavor, body, maturity, balance, complexity, and finish. *A white card with a description of the product, the recipe, including all ingredients, ingredient quantities, & procedure, and the directions for use must accompany each exhibit.
PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: Exhibitors should be aware and keep in mind, THIS IS A HONEY SHOW. These beverage & culinary categories have been specifically chosen because of their ability to showcase honey as an ingredient. The influence and impact of honey on the finished product will be the first, and ultimate, factor the judges will consider when making final awards. The stronger and more pronounced the flavor and aroma of honey is in the finished product, the greater the preference that exhibit will receive from the judges. Conversely, an exhibit of otherwise exceptional quality that does not taste or smell profoundly of honey, will not be placed highly despite the presence of other exceptional qualities.
63 Honey Cake (pound cake)
A pound cake is a rich, sweet, dense cake that's traditionally made with one pound each of flour, butter, eggs, and sugar. The Exhibitor may submit one example of a pound cake baked by the Exhibitor. An entry consists of one (1) cake. The recipe used for the entry must include honey produced by the Exhibitor. Exhibits may NOT be dusted, frosted, iced, or glazed. Exhibits must be baked in either a tube or Bundt style cake pan.
All ingredients in the honey pound cake must come from the list contained below. The use of any ingredient(s) not contained in the list below is strictly prohibited. Exhibits may contain any of the following ingredients, in any amount(s) or combination(s), at the Exhibitor’s discretion:
Butter, margarine, lard, or vegetable shortening
Baking powder
Evaporated Milk
Baking Soda
Sour Cream
Almond Extract
Vanilla Extract
Entries are to be presented on a cardboard base, in a standard, unembellished, cardboard baker’s or cake box; cake boxes with clear windows are also acceptable. All entries will be tasted. Judges evaluate entries on the following: appearance, uniformity (of mixing and baking), moistness, texture, appropriate level of doneness, aroma, flavor, and influence of honey on the finished product. *A white card with a description of the product, the recipe, including all ingredients, ingredient quantities, procedure, and any directions must accompany each exhibit.
64 Honey Cake (cupcakes and petit fours)
The Exhibitor may submit one example of a cake baked by the Exhibitor. An entry consists of no less than three (3), nor more than six (6) identical cupcakes or petit fours. Exhibits may be, but are not required to be, iced or glazed. The recipe for the entry must include honey produced by the Exhibitor. Entries are to be presented on a cardboard base, in a standard, unembellished, cardboard baker’s or cake box; cake boxes with clear windows are also acceptable. All entries will be tasted. Judges evaluate entries on the following: appearance, uniformity, moistness, texture, appropriate level of doneness, aroma, flavor, influence of honey on the finished product, and originality. *A white card with a description of the product, the recipe, including all ingredients, ingredient quantities, procedure, and any directions must accompany each exhibit.
65 Honey Cake (open recipe)
The Exhibitor may submit one example of a cake baked by the Exhibitor. An entry consists of one (1) standard size cake no less than six inches (6 in.) in diameter or across. Exhibits may be, but are not required to be, iced or glazed. The recipe for the entry must include honey produced by the Exhibitor. Entries are to be presented on a cardboard base, in a standard, unembellished, cardboard baker’s or cake box; cake boxes with clear windows are also acceptable. All entries will be tasted. Judges evaluate entries on the following: appearance, uniformity, moistness, texture, appropriate level of doneness, aroma, flavor, influence of honey on the finished product, and originality. *A white card with a description of the product, the recipe, including all ingredients, ingredient quantities, procedure, and any directions must accompany each exhibit.
66 Honey Breads (loaves)
The Exhibitor may submit one example of a bread baked by the Exhibitor. An exhibit consists of one (1) standard size loaf. All loaves must measure at least eight inches (8 in.) in length or in diameter. The recipe for the exhibit must include honey produced by the Exhibitor. All entries will be tasted. Entries are to be presented on a cardboard base, in a standard, unembellished, cardboard baker’s or cake box; cake boxes with clear windows are also acceptable. All entries will be tasted. Judges evaluate entries on the following: appearance, uniformity, moistness, texture, appropriate level of doneness, aroma, flavor, influence of honey on the finished product, and originality. *A white card with a description of the product, the recipe, including all ingredients, ingredient quantities, procedure, and any directions must accompany each exhibit.
Additionally, Exhibitors may choose submit exhibits in a zip-top bag to preserve freshness. Loaves submitted in a zip-top bag must also be presented on a cardboard base, in a standard, unembellished, cardboard baker’s or cake box as specified above.
67 Honey Breads (rolls, muffins, scones, biscuits, & mini-loaves)
The Exhibitor may submit one example of a bread baked by the Exhibitor. An entry consists of no less than three (3), nor more than six (6) identical rolls, biscuits, muffins, scones, or mini-loaves. The recipe for the exhibit must include honey produced by the Exhibitor. All entries will be tasted. Entries are to be presented on a cardboard base, in a standard, unembellished, cardboard baker’s or cake box; cake boxes with clear windows are also acceptable. All entries will be tasted. Judges evaluate entries on the following: appearance, uniformity, moistness, texture, appropriate level of doneness, aroma, flavor, influence of honey on the finished product, and originality. *A white card with a description of the product, the recipe, including all ingredients, ingredient quantities and procedure must accompany each exhibit.
In the event an exhibit in this category is too large to fit in a commonly available cake box, the exhibitor may submit his/her exhibit in some other appropriate, re-sealable container.
Additionally, Exhibitors may choose submit exhibits in a zip-top bag to preserve freshness. Loaves submitted in a zip-top bag must also be presented on a cardboard base, in a standard, unembellished, cardboard baker’s or cake box as specified above.
68 Honey Confections
A confection is any pastry, tart, chocolate, or other sweet food or delicacy, not otherwise encompassed in another category in this show. An Exhibitor may submit one example of a confection prepared by the Exhibitor. An exhibit consists of six (6) pieces or servings. The recipe for the exhibit must include honey produced by the Exhibitor. All entries will be tasted. Entries are to be presented on a cardboard base, in a standard, unembellished, cardboard baker’s or cake box; cake boxes with clear windows are also acceptable. All entries will be tasted. Judges evaluate entries on the following: appearance, uniformity, moistness, texture, appropriate level of doneness, aroma, flavor, influence of honey on the finished product, and originality. *A white card with a description of the product, the recipe, including all ingredients, ingredient quantities and procedure must accompany each exhibit.
69 Honey Cookies
The Exhibitor may submit one example of a cookie prepared by the Exhibitor. An exhibit consists of no less than six (6), nor more than twelve (12), pieces or servings. The recipe for the exhibit must include honey produced by the Exhibitor. All entries will be tasted. Entries are to be presented on a cardboard base, in a standard, unembellished, cardboard baker’s or cake box; cake boxes with clear windows are also acceptable. All entries will be tasted. Judges evaluate entries on the following: appearance, uniformity, moistness, texture, appropriate level of doneness, aroma, flavor, influence of honey on the finished product, and originality. *A white card with a description of the product, the recipe, including all ingredients, ingredient quantities and procedure must accompany each exhibit.
70 Honey Candy
A candy is any small (bite-sized) piece of sweet food in which one of the primary ingredients is some form of sugar, often combined with chocolate, fruit, nuts, or other ingredients. An Exhibitor may submit one example of a honey candy prepared by the Exhibitor. An exhibit consists of six (6) pieces or servings. The recipe for the exhibit must include honey produced by the Exhibitor. All entries will be tasted. Entries are to be presented on a cardboard base, in a standard, unembellished, cardboard baker’s or cake box; cake boxes with clear windows are also acceptable. All entries will be tasted. Judges evaluate entries on the following: appearance, uniformity, texture, appropriate level of doneness, aroma, flavor, influence of honey on the finished product, and originality. *A white card with a description of the product, the recipe, including all ingredients, ingredient quantities and procedure must accompany each exhibit.
71-72 Honey Condiments
A condiment is a spice, sauce, pickle, preserve or other preparation that is added to food to impart a specific flavor, to enhance the flavor, or to complement a dish. Honey condiments are judged in two sub-categories: (a) non-spicy; and (b) spicy. An Exhibitor may submit one example of a honey condiment prepared by the Exhibitor in each of these subcategories. An Exhibitor may submit one example of a honey condiment prepared by the Exhibitor. An exhibit in this category consists of one (1) properly sealed, properly filled, standard, clear, half-pint or pint canning jar with a metal, two-part lid and ring band closure. Entries that are not properly sealed will not be judged and will be disqualified. The recipe for the exhibit must include honey produced by the Exhibitor. All entries will be tasted. Judges evaluate entries on the following: cleanliness, proper fill, visual appeal, uniformity, moistness, texture, aroma, flavor, influence of honey on the finished product, and originality. *A white card with a description of the product, the recipe, including all ingredients, ingredient quantities, procedure, and the directions for use must accompany each exhibit. If the proper canning of an exhibits requires a headspace in the jar that deviates from the jars fill ring, the proper headspace for the product should be used, and the same should noted on the white descriptive card submitted with the exhibit.
73 BBQ Sauce made w/Honey
An Exhibitor may submit one example of a honey BBQ sauce prepared by the Exhibitor An exhibit in this category consists of one (1) properly sealed, properly filled, standard, clear, half-pint or pint canning jar with a metal, two-part lid and ring band closure. Entries that are not properly sealed will not be judged and will be disqualified. The recipe for the exhibit must include honey produced by the Exhibitor. All entries will be tasted. Judges evaluate entries on the following cleanliness, proper fill, visual appeal, uniformity, moistness, texture, aroma, flavor, influence of honey on the finished product, and originality. *A white card with a description of the product, the recipe, including all ingredients, ingredient quantities, procedure, and the directions for use must accompany each exhibit. If the proper canning of an exhibits requires a headspace in the jar that deviates from the jars fill ring, the proper headspace for the product should be used, and the same should noted on the white descriptive card submitted with the exhibit.
74 Jams & Jellies made w/Honey
An Exhibitor may submit one example of a honey jam or jelly prepared by the Exhibitor. An exhibit in this category consists of one (1) properly sealed, properly filled, standard, clear, half-pint or pint canning jar with a metal, two-part lid and ring band closure. Entries that are not properly sealed will not be judged and will be disqualified. The recipe for the exhibit must include honey produced by the Exhibitor. All entries will be tasted. Judges evaluate entries on the following: cleanliness, proper fill, visual appeal, uniformity, moistness, texture, aroma, flavor, influence of honey on the finished product, and originality. *A white card with a description of the product, the recipe, including all ingredients, ingredient quantities and procedure must accompany each exhibit. If the proper canning of an exhibits requires a headspace in the jar that deviates from the jars fill ring, the proper headspace for the product should be used, and the same should noted on the white descriptive card submitted with the exhibit.
75 Preserves made w/Honey
A preserve is any fruit, vegetable, or combination thereof, which has been prepared, canned, jarred, or packed with the intent to enhance and extend the shelf-life of the product. Honey must be one of the principle preserving agents utilized in the exhibit. An Exhibitor may submit one example of a honey preserve prepared by the Exhibitor. An exhibit in this category consists of one (1) properly sealed, properly filled, standard, clear, half-pint or pint canning jar with a metal, two-part lid and ring band closure. Entries that are not properly sealed will not be judged and will be disqualified. The recipe for the exhibit must include honey produced by the Exhibitor. All entries will be tasted. Judges evaluate entries on the following: cleanliness, proper fill, visual appeal, uniformity, moistness, texture, aroma, flavor, influence of honey on the finished product, and originality. *A white card with a description of the product, the recipe, including all ingredients, ingredient quantities and procedure must accompany each exhibit.
If the proper canning of an exhibits requires a headspace in the jar that deviates from the jars fill ring, the proper headspace for the product should be used, and the same should noted on the white descriptive card submitted with the exhibit.
76 Pollen
An entry in this class consists of three (3) identical, unembossed, 8 or 16 ounce, Classic or Queenline jars. Exhibits submitted in any other type or style of jar will not be accepted by the Show Secretary. Closures may be of metal or plastic. Tamper-proof seals are strictly prohibited; any exhibits submitted with any tamper-proof seal(s) will be severely penalized. The pollen must be dried and processed using heat or cold methods. The pollen will be tasted for off flavors. Judges evaluate entries on the following: Cleanliness of the jar and lid (inside and out); correct fill level; uniformity of the jars that comprise the exhibit; cleanliness of the pollen; absence of dust and foreign particles, absence of mold, proper moisture of pollen grains, absence of clumping, and absence of off flavors and aromas.
*The correct jars for extracted honey entries.
*Notes on correct fill level:
The correct fill level on jarred honey entries is at the top of the fill ring of the jar, without going over.
The fill ring is the raised ridge, or ring of glass, immediately above the shoulder of the jar and below the threads. It can be distinguished from the threads in two ways:
a) the fill ring forms a complete circle, without ends; and
b) the fill ring will be completely parallel with the bottom and top of the jar.
Liquid honey in a circular shape forms a concave surface sometimes referred to as a meniscus. For the purpose of filling jars, the edge of the meniscus should clearly be at the top of the fill ring, without going over.