2024 Photo Gallery

Check In

Did you know? Over 1500 attendees were checked in during the first 30 minutes of the 2024 Bee Expo!

Honey Swap

HUGE thank you to Honeybee Tennessee for swapping over 8000 jars of honey!

Honey Show

The 2024 North American Honey & Beeswax Championship had almost 1200 exhibits!


Thanks to our outstanding vendors who brought over 30 semis of bee gear!

Merch Booth

Thanks to our excellent team, who helped make the Bee Expo and merch booth possible!

Silent Auction

Did you know? The Silent Auction raised over $15,000 in funds that directly support our Next-Gen Bee Program

Speakers & Next-Gen

During the 2024 Bee Expo, our speakers provided expertise for entry-level, veteran, and commercial beekeepers.

Also, check out the future of beekeeping in our Next-Gen beekeepers photos.

Vendor Hall

Thanks to the 141 bee companies from around the globe that made our Trade Show floor so amazing!